
Website Updates

Posted on August 14th, 2020, 14:46 UTC by Keneth.6490

wraith I am currently in the process of updating the website to newer technologies and implementing a more streamlined process for deployment. This may cause some issues since I'm mostly testing things live. You might also experience some issues if you are using an older browser since I started relying on ES6 features. Please make sure that your browser is up to date before reporting issues.

I'll also be publishing some new features here and there, more for my own amusement than anything else. Feel free to break shit.

Ayo, hol up!

Posted on August 7th, 2020, 14:51 UTC by Keneth.6490

wraith As you may have noticed, the site seems a bit empty right now. As of July, our old hosting plan has expired and it was a bit too pricey for me to renew it. I found a good deal on a budget with a different provider, with the downside (or upside) that I had to set up everything by myself. Unfortunately, there was no way to recover the data from the other host, so all I managed to recover are a few users from my old backups (prior to the 2.0 migration).

What this means is that existing users might have to recover their password if it was changed during that period or re-register if the account was lost. Not that there's much to be done on the site as it is, seeing as I've never finished the Events page.

The current domain and hosting plan are something I can afford for the foreseeable future, so I don't see any issues going forward. I'll set up some regular data backups this time, so this doesn't happen again. If this has caused you any significant inconvenience, you can sit on this: 🖕

You might have also noticed that I'm not online much these days. That doesn't mean that I'm not around. You can always find me on Discord (or contact me by some other means out of game) and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Nevertheless, I'd like to thank all the admins for managing the guild in my absence. You da real 🇲 🇻 🇵s.